
I'd have a question about using the KRaft combined mode
<https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#brokerconfigs_process.roles> in
production. Despite my searches I fail to find very much info of its usage.
Confluent says in its documentation that the feature is in early access,
but I'd like to hear your take on this matter.

Currently I'm running a multi-broker Kafka cluster (multiple ZooKeepers,
multiple Kafka brokers, ZooKeeper server count = Kafka broker server
count), which for my use case has worked well.

- If the combined mode could be used, could I use less servers for the same
- If the combined mode isn't suitable for production usage, what
combination of controllers and broker amounts do you suggest for similar
performance than with ZooKeeper?
- If the combined mode isn't suitable for production usage, is there any
roadmap on when it could be production ready, or is this even a thing that
would come in the future?

Best regards,
Jouni Lammi

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