
Kafka brokers are designed to be dumb i.e. they simply act as a pipe to
transmit messages from producer to consumer. They don’t have capabilities
to selectively filter or perform any analytics/transformation of the
messages in flights. In fact, a brokers doesn’t ever read the key/value
pair in a message (unless compaction is desired in which case it reads the

It’s a long winded way to say, no, you cannot push filtering to the

You would either need to do it client-side manually or use some stream
processing to consume “raw” messages, perform the
transformation/filtering/enrichment and produce them back again into an
“enriched” topic. Your consumes can then consume from the “enriched” topic.

I am not super familiar but I believe one of the choices of such a stream
processing library could be Kafka streams which is provided with Apache
Kafka. Note that it would still perform filtering at the client-side, just
in a more managed way than manually writing a consumer to do so.

Divij Vaidya

On Thu 29. Aug 2024 at 20:51, vaidya nathan <vaidyaat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Kafka users,
> I have a producer consumer setup where I want the consumer to get only a
> subset of messages based on some conditions.
> Trying to figure out whether there are any configuration on the Kafka side
> that we can do to achieve this . Most of the solutions I see is to filter
> them at the consumer end but I would like to push that up to the Kafka
> configuration level
> How do I achieve this ?
> Sent from my iPhone

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