Hi All, Trying to avoid the rebalance operation on the kafka connect client (2 node/distributed mode) with Kafka 2.5.1 The connect client side properties were updated from default to higher value.session.timeout.ms=300000 heartbeat.interval.ms=100000 While this helps in avoid rebalances, a node restart (accidental failures) was resulting in continuous rebalancing of tasks whenever a heartbeat is sent from both nodes causing the creation of new generation. (infinite-rebalancing-loop)
To mitigate it, tried to set group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms=100000 (on broker side), same as heartbeat . while this helped in preventing the formation of new generation during the start up time (initial group formation)., the chance of node failures after the initial group formation and leading to the " (infinite-rebalancing-loop)". Could not find the property on the broker side to delay the rebalance for all scenarios and not only during the initial stages. Please suggest/ alternates. Thanks