Hi All,

I'm working on setting up RBAC for Apache Kafka using Ranger. Right now,
I'm facing an authorization issue while testing the console producer script
in Kafka. I need help in properly configuring Kafka with Ranger. Below are
the steps I performed.

   - I successfully installed the ranger service.
   - Integrated Ranger with AD using UserSync.
   - Installed Ranger Kafka Plugin on Kafka and made the following changes
   to Kafka server.properties file
      - *authorizer.class.name
   - Created Kafka service in Ranger Admin
   - Created a policy in ranger admin to restrict access to topic named
   test for everyone except one user.

I'm using PLAINTEXT://HOSTIP:PORT for listeners.

Now, when I try write to that topic using *./kafka-console-producer.sh
--broker-list hostip:port --topic test*

I'm unable to produce to it, and I'm getting authorization error messages.
which seems okay. But I don't know how to produce the topic with an
authorized user. I tried using a producer config file with the below config

*client.id <http://client.id>=
required username="testuser" password="testpass";*

Below is the output
*./kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list * *hostip:port*  * --topic test
--producer.config producer.properties*

[2024-03-08 16:54:09,034] WARN The configuration 'sasl.jaas.config' was
supplied but isn't a known config.
[2024-03-08 16:54:15,309] WARN [Producer clientId= testuser] Error while
fetching metadata with correlation id 3 : {test=TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED}
[2024-03-08 16:54:15,321] ERROR [Producer clientId= testuser] Topic
authorization failed for topics [test] (org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata)
[2024-03-08 16:54:15,325] ERROR Error when sending message to topic test
with key: null, value: 2 bytes with error:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicAuthorizationException: Not authorized
to access topics: [test]

Please provide steps to connect and produce to the topic with test user
(This user is from AD).

*Karthik Suvarnasa*
EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC
1049 Willa Springs Drive, Ste. 1001, Winter Springs, FL 32708
(cell) 860-776-7951 |  (work) 407-381-3742
Web: www.epicgroupllc.com

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