I don't see a need for this. What additional information does this provide
over what can be found via a quick google search?

My primary concern is that we are getting in the business of listing
vendors in the project site which brings it's own complications without
adding much additional value for users. In the spirit of being vendor
neutral, I would try to avoid this as much as possible.

So, my question to you is:
1. What value does additional of this page bring to the users of Apache
2. When a new PR is submitted to add a vendor, what criteria do we have to
decide whether to add them or not? If we keep a blanket criteria of
accepting all PRs, then we may end up in a situation where the llink
redirects to a phishing page or nefarious website. Hence, we might have to
at least perform some basic due diligence which adds overhead to the
resources of the community.

Divij Vaidya

On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM fpapon <fpa...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> After starting a first thread on this topic (
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/kkox33rhtjcdr5zztq3lzj7c5s7k9wsr), I
> would like to propose a PR:
> https://github.com/apache/kafka-site/pull/577
> The purpose of this proposal is to help users to find support for sla,
> training, consulting...whatever that is not provide by the community as,
> like we can already see in many ASF projects, no commercial support is
> provided by the foundation. I think it could help with the adoption and the
> growth of the project because the users
> need commercial support for production issues.
> If the community is agree about this idea and want to move forward, I just
> add one company in the PR but everybody can add some by providing a new PR
> to complete the list. If people want me to add other you can reply to this
> thread because it will be better to have several company at the first
> publication of the page.
> Just provide the company-name and a short description of the service offer
> around Apache Kafka. The information must be factual and informational in
> nature and not be a marketing statement.
> regards,
> François

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