Hi Guys, we have an already running Kakfa Connector Cluster. I want to add a MirrorSourceConnector with a custom replication policy: ----- curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:9083/connectors \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "name" : "cluster-source", "config":{ "connector.class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorSourceConnector", ... "replication.policy.class" : "org.example.CustomReplicationPolicy", ... } }' ----- This leads to an error: ----- { "error_code": 400, "message": "Connector configuration is invalid and contains the following 1 error(s):\nInvalid value org.example.CustomReplicationPolicy for configuration replication.policy.class: Class org.example.CustomReplicationPolicy could not be found.\nYou can also find the above list of errors at the endpoint `/connector-plugins/{connectorType}/config/validate`" } ----- I added the jar which contains CustomReplicationPolicy to the /lib path but it won't work.
How can I use my CustomReplicationPolicy with the MirrorSourceConnector? I'm using Kafka 2.8. Setting up the MirrorMaker with /bin/connect-mirror-maker.sh and the jar file in /lib works, but unfortunately I have to configure the mirror maker connectors one by one in our enviroment. BRToni