
I'm not sure if KafkaManager has such bug though, you should check if
there's any under replicated partitions actually by `kafka-topics.sh`
command with `--under-replicated-partitions` option first.

2023年11月30日(木) 23:41 Lud Antonie <lud.anto...@coosto.com.invalid>:

> Hello,
> After upgrading from 2.7.2 to 3.5.1 some topics are missing a partition for
> one or two brokers.
> The kafka manager shows "Under replicated%" for the topic.
> Looking at the topic for some brokers (of 3) partitions are missing (in my
> case 1 partition).
> A rollback will restore the "Under replicated%" to 0 again (this is the
> wanted number).
> Is this a bug of kafka or the kafka manager?
> Best regards,
> Lud Antonie
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
> *Lud Antonie*
> <https://www.coosto.com/>
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> +31(0)402492700 <0031402492700>
> www.coosto.com
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Okada Haruki

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