Hello all, >From what I've seen so far, with >https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-297%3A+Externalizing+Secrets+for+Connect+Configurations, > Kafka provides a mechanism to externalize secrets, which was later extended >with >https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-887%3A+Add+ConfigProvider+to+make+use+of+environment+variables, > and possibly others.
The challenge that I am facing at the moment is that ConfigData is configured as a Map<String, String>, whereas my values are of other types that are not Strings, such as floats and integers. To give a more concrete example, some kafka-connectors allow me to configure values such as timeouts that I'd like to control per environment using externalization systems. Since these values are numeric, they fail to be read with parsing exceptions. Is the expectation that connectors handle this on their end, or what options do we have to externalize values so that they are read back using a different type other than Strings? Thank you!