Hi streams Dev community  @matthias, @bruno

Any inputs on above issue? Is this a bug in the streams library wherein the
input topic removed from streams processor topology, the underlying
consumer group still reporting lag against those?

On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 4:38 PM Pushkar Deole <pdeole2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a streams application with 3 instances with application-id set to
> applicationV1. The application uses processor API with reading from source
> topics, processing the data and writing to destination topic.
> Currently it consumes from 6 source topics however we don't need to
> process data any more from 2 of those topics so we removed 2 topics from
> the source topics list. We have configured Datadog dashboard to report and
> alert on consumer lag so after removing the 2 source topics and deploying
> application, we started getting several alerts about consumer lag on
> applicationV1 consumer group which is underlying consumer group of the
> streams application. When we looked at the consumer group from kafka-cli,
> we could see that the consumer group is reporting lag against the topics
> removed from source topic list which is reflecting as increasing lag on
> Datadog monitoring.
> Can someone advise if this is expected behavior? In my opinion, this is
> not expected since streams application no more has those topics as part of
> source, it should not report lag on those.

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