Hi, I've been trying to get SASL using SCRAM-SHA-512 up and running in Kafka 3.5 but I've been running into some issues which I'm not sure how to debug.
I'm able to authenticate when I use PLAIN and the following kafka_jaas.conf: KafkaServer { org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="mybrokeruser" password="mybrokerpassword"; }; I then try to change sasl.mechanism.controller.protocol from PLAIN to SCRAM-SHA-512, run kafka-storage.sh format with --add-scram and change my kafka_jaas.conf: KafkaServer { org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="mybrokeruser" password="mybrokerpassword"; }; At that point I keep getting authentication errors and I'm not sure how to debug it or find out which credentials are used. I tried setting all loggers to TRACE but I wasn't able to figure it out. It's working on my other listeners (INTERNAL, CLIENT, EXTERNAL) but I can't seem to get it working for the CONTROLLER listener for the KRaft communication. Any pointers for how to debug this would be much appreciated! Kind Regards, Robin