Thank you Matthias for your answer, I open an issue on the aiokafka
project as follow up, let's see how we can resolve it there
As mentioned in the issue, some tools like also
display a lag of "1" in this kind of situation
Best regards,
On 13/06/2023 17:27, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
Sounds like a bug in aiokafka library to me.
If the last message in a topic partition is a tx-marker, the consumer
should step over it, and report the correct position after the marker.
The official KafkaConsumer (ie, the Java one), does the exact same thing.
On 5/30/23 8:41 AM, Vincent Maurin wrote:
Hello !
I am working on an exactly once stream processors in Python, using
aiokafka client library. My program stores a state in memory, that is
recovered from a changelog topic, like in kafka streams.
On each processing loop, I am consuming messages, producing messages
to an output topics and to my changelog topic, within a transaction.
When I need to restart a runner, to restore the state in memory, I
have a routine consuming the changelog topic from the beginning to the
"end" with a read_commited isolation level. Here I am struggling to
define when to stop my recovery :
* my current (maybe) working solution is to loop over "poll" until
poll is not returning any messages anymore
* I tried to do more something based on the end offests, the checking
the consumer position, but with control messages at the end of the
partition, I am running into an issue where position is one below end
offsets, and doesn't go further
I had a quick look to
but it is a bit hard to figure out what is going on here
Best regards,