Hello, *Kafka dev community, @matthiasJsax*

Can you comment on below question? It is very important for us since we are
getting inconsistencies due to current design

On Sun, Jul 9, 2023 at 6:15 PM Pushkar Deole <pdeole2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a kafka streams application that consumes from multiple topic with
> different keys. Before processing these events in the application, we want
> to repartition those events on a single key that will ensure related events
> are processed by same application instance. e.g. the events on multiple
> topics are related to same call however they are keyed on multiple keys on
> those topics and hence go to different application instances but after
> consuming those events by the streams, we want to partition them again on
> the call id and then process them in that order. Is this possible?
> I got to know about through() method on the KStream which seems to be
> doing similar thing however not sure if it would achieve the below
> functionality:
> Call with id C123 is initiated and following events arrive on 3 topics
> with respective keys:
> Event 1 on TopicA: with key a1
> Event 2 on TopicB: with key b1
> Event 3 on TopicC: with key c1
> Let's assume these are consumed by 3 different instances of kafka streams
> application however those application process them with through() method
> with a consolidatedTopic with the key C123.
> Will this ensure that these 3 events go to the same partition on
> consolidatedTopic, and hence after repartitioning, those will be consumed
> by same instance of application?

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