
I'm attempting a migration from 2.7 to 3.5.0 and the way it's recommended
in the documentation.

1. Freeze the following settings

2. Upgrade kafka version to 3.5.0
3. Change inter.broker.protocol.version to 3.5
4. Change log.message.format.version to 3.5

After step 2, I get random under-replicated partitions on some topics (all
of them are empty). But the way they are under-replicated seems weird to me:

Topic: __consumer_offsets       Partition: 13   Leader: 10001   Replicas:
10001,10000,10002     Isr: 10002,10000

It turns out the leader is no longer part of the ISRs. I didn't even know
this was possible.
Does anyone know how this is possible and if this is a known issue?

Kind Regards,

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