
Is it that no one else encountered such case? =(
From: Iermulnik, Georgii <georgii.iermul...@sleepnumber.com.INVALID>
Sent: 01 June 2023 22:55
To: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [MirrorMaker2] Missing 
«kafka.connect.mirror:type=MirrorCheckpointConnector» Mbean

CAUTION: External source


I had spent a while trying to figure out why I cannot see 
«kafka.connect.mirror:type=MirrorCheckpointConnector» Mbean and, since I've got 
stuck, I'm seeking assistance from the community.
My setup:

  *   MM2 is running inside Docker container (AWS ECS Fargate if that might 
  *   Src and Dst Kafka custers are AWS MSK (if this might matter)
  *   Base Docker image: public.ecr.aws/bitnami/kafka:latest (INFO Kafka 
version: 3.4.0)​
     *   ENV JMX_PORT 9010​
CMD ["/opt/mirrormaker/run.sh"]​ (run.sh is pretty simple and can be described 
as /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/connect-mirror-maker.sh 
mm2.properties file, that is copied into container, with sensitive data 
replaced is below:
clusters = devsdpuse1msktestsourc, devsdpuse1msktestdest

testsrc.bootstrap.servers = b-3.src[…]:9092,b-2.src[…]:9092,b-1.src[…]:9092
testdst.bootstrap.servers = b-2.dst[…]:9092,b-1.dst[…]:9092,b-3.dst[…]:9092

testsrc->testdst.enabled = true
testsrc->testdst.topics = msk
testsrc->testdst.groups = .*

replication.factor = 3
sync.topic.acls.enabled = false
tasks.max = 1

# Avoid prefixing topics on destination with source cluster name
replication.policy.separator =
source.cluster.alias =
target.cluster.alias =



Replication works just fine, though I see only MirrorSourceConnector​ MBean 
while MirrorCheckpointConnector​ MBean is missing:
root@ip-xx-xx-xx-xx:/opt/mirrormaker# ./jmx-dump -p 9010 --dump-all | jq 
'with_entries(select(.key | startswith("kafka.connect.mirror:")))'
  "kafka.connect.mirror:partition=0,topic=msk,type=MirrorSourceConnector": {
    "record-count": 2,
    "record-age-ms-max": "NaN",
    "record-rate": 0,
    "record-age-ms": 21,
    "replication-latency-ms-avg": "NaN",
    "byte-count": 56,
    "replication-latency-ms-min": "NaN",
    "record-age-ms-avg": "NaN",
    "record-age-ms-min": "NaN",
    "byte-rate": 0,
    "replication-latency-ms-max": "NaN",
    "replication-latency-ms": 24

Side notice: also as you can see MirrorSourceConnector has only "topic"​ and 
"partition", despite docu describes "​target" as well: 

The main Q is: where is the "MirrorCheckpointConnector" Mbean and why it is 

Please let me know if any additional info may be needed.
Also since this is a test setup I can change/adjust it if needed.

Thanks in advance.

Georgii Iermulnik

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