I know that I have already sent an email, but the contents were a mess, so I am 
reorganizing and sending it again. i have a IOException on kafka-broker 
kafka-broker on AKS self-installation. - AKS pvc storage is StorageV2 (General 
Purpose V2) - 3 brokers 1 zookeeper(planning 2 more) - logs and data path is 
/mnt (not /tmp) - kafka broker version is apache kafka_2.13-3.3.2 - not using 
kafka-connect or streams - only using consumer and producer - no kerberos and 
any other auth(including ssl) - its only one broker have problem. other 2 
brokers are fine i tried - re-boot the broker - re installing the broker - 
kafka-broker and zookeeper clear and re setting - change data and log path /tmp 
to /mnt when i ask to Azure support they said no issues with the storage and 
also availability was 100%. They suggested that the problem may be related to 
Kafka's concurrency issue. so what can i do or how to search? If you need any 
additional information, please let me know. my logs and config 
############################# Socket Server Settings 
############################# listeners=... advertised.listeners=... 
listener.security.protocol.map=... inter.broker.listener.name=... 
num.network.threads=3 num.io.threads=8 socket.send.buffer.bytes=102400 
socket.receive.buffer.bytes=102400 socket.request.max.bytes=104857600 
############################# Log Basics ############################# 
log.dirs=/mnt/kafka-logs/ num.partitions=1 num.recovery.threads.per.data.dir=1 
############################# Internal Topic Settings 
############################# offsets.topic.replication.factor=3 
transaction.state.log.replication.factor=3 transaction.state.log.min.isr=3 
delete.topic.enable=true allow.auto.create.topics=false 
offset.retention.minutes=4320 ############################# Log Flush Policy 
############################# ############################# Log Retention 
Policy ############################# log.retention.hours=48 
log.segment.bytes=1073741824 log.retention.check.interval.ms=300000 
############################# Zookeeper ############################# 
zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms=18000 ############################# Group 
Coordinator Settings ############################# 
group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms=0 * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { padding: 
20px; line-height: 1.4; } 조용준 대리 ㅣ 스마트 팩토리 사업부 개발팀 Direct 02.523.3976 Mobile 
010.2934.6330 Fax 02.523.3971 Email yj...@youhost.co.kr www.moncatfactory.co.kr

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