Hi Akshay

Burrow is a popular open-source tool for monitoring the consumer lag in
Apache Kafka. However, Burrow depends on ZooKeeper to access the Kafka
metadata and track the consumer lag. Therefore, it is not possible to use
Burrow without ZooKeeper.

Since you are using Kafka version 3.3.1, you can leverage Kafka's built-in
consumer lag monitoring functionality without the need for any additional
tools or dependencies. Kafka exposes consumer lag metrics through JMX, and
you can use any monitoring system that supports JMX to collect and
visualize these metrics.

Here are the steps to monitor consumer lag in Kafka:


   Enable JMX on Kafka brokers and consumers by setting the following JVM
   system properties:



   Replace <hostname> with the hostname or IP address of the Kafka broker
   or consumer machine.

   Start a monitoring system that supports JMX, such as Prometheus,
   Grafana, or Datadog.

   Configure the monitoring system to collect Kafka consumer lag metrics
   using JMX.

   For example, if you are using Prometheus, you can use the jmx_exporter
   tool to expose the Kafka JMX metrics as Prometheus metrics.

   Visualize the Kafka consumer lag metrics in the monitoring system

   You can create custom dashboards that show the consumer lag for
   different topics, consumers, and consumer groups. You can also set up
   alerts to notify you when the consumer lag exceeds a certain threshold.

By using Kafka's built-in JMX metrics and a monitoring system that supports
JMX, you can monitor consumer lag without the need for additional tools or
dependencies. This approach also provides a more lightweight and scalable
solution compared to using external tools like Burrow.
Santhosh Gopal
Advisor - Architecture,Performance Engineering

On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 2:14 PM Akshay Kumar <akshayku...@ameyo.com.invalid>

> Hello team,
> I am using Zookeeper less Kafka (Kafka Kraft - version 3.3.1). I wanted to
> monitor consumer lag, so I was using Burrow for that, but I am unable to
> use Burrow without Zookeeper.
> Does Burror work without Zookeeper?
> Or what is the better or best way to monitor consumer lag and lag history
> for multiple topics, consumers, and consumer groups?
> All the topics are consumed by different-different consumers(applications).
>  [image: https://exotel.com/]
> Akshay Kumar
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