On 2023-04-24 11:48, Santhosh Kumar wrote:
Hi Arvind

Yes, there is data to support the claim that sharing a single producer
instance across threads in Apache Kafka is generally faster than having
multiple instances.

The reason for this is that a single producer instance can take advantage of batch processing, which allows it to send multiple messages to Kafka in a single network request. This reduces the network overhead and can result
in higher throughput.

On the other hand, if multiple producer instances are used, each instance will have its own network connection to Kafka, resulting in higher network overhead. Additionally, each instance will have to manage its own queue of
messages to send, which can increase the overall processing overhead.

Several benchmark tests have been conducted to compare the performance of single versus multiple producer instances. For example, one test conducted
by Confluent found that using a single producer instance was up to 50%
faster than using multiple instances.

Therefore, in most cases, it is recommended to use a single producer
instance shared across multiple threads in Apache Kafka for optimal

Thank you
Santhosh Gopal

On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 9:01 AM Arvid Sundbom <arvid.sundbo...@gmail.com>

I have a question about executing a Kafka producer application, utilizing
multiple threads.
In the documentation for Kafka producers (

it says that "...sharing a single producer instance across threads will
generally be faster than having multiple instances.".

I am mainly wondering if there is any data to verify this claim?
The reason for this is that I have carried out rather extensive performance
tests, with varying levels of computational load per message produced,
using between 1 and 24 threads, and it seems that there is really no
situation in which a single, shared producer achieves a higher performance
if each executing thread is assigned its own producer instance.

Kind regards,

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