Hi All,

We have a kafka streams application that consumes from 2 different topics
say topic A and topic B. The application uses data of telephone call on
those topics and each call has a call id which is used as key to send
events to those 2 topics. e.g. for a telephone call, the 1st event related
to that call is sent to A with call id however subsequent event for that
same call might go to topic B again with call id as key.

*At times, we need to process those 2 events in an order, which is not
possible with the current topology that we are using*. *Can someone suggest
if this is possible to achieve with streams?*
The topology is as below:

Topic A has 6 partitions
Topics B has 6 partitions
Call id used as key on both topics
Kafka streams application has 3 instances that consumes from both of the
topics as source topics.
Each streams application instance has 2 stream threads thus total 6 stream
threads across 3 instances of streams application cater to 6 partitions of
inputs topics.

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