Hello, I'm doing some tests with MirrorMaker 2 but I'm stuck. I have a couple of kafka clusters, I think everything is set up correctly. However, when I run
/bin/connect-mirror-maker /var/lib/kafka/data/mm2.properties the result I get is the creation of the topics mm2-configs.A.internal, mm2-offsets.A.internal, mm2-status.A.internal but not of the specific topics found in cluster A (topic1). The mm2.properties configuration is basically a copy of https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/config/connect-mirror-maker.properties modifying bootstrap servers A.bootstrap.servers = B.bootstrap.servers = Can anyone advise me with this problem? Is it possible that some configuration in mm2.properties is missing? Are there any real requirements regarding the configuration of the kafka clusters that may be overlooked? Thank you for your help, Miguel Ángel