thank you!

On Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 12:37 PM David Ballano Fernandez <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am loadtesting a couple clusters one with local ssd disks and another
> one with ceph.
> Both clusters have the same amount of cpu/ram and they are configured the
> same way.
> im sending the same amount of messages and producing with and
> acks=all
> besides seeing higuer latencies on ceph for the most part, compared to
> local disk. There is something that I don't understand.
> On the local disk cluster. messages per second matches exactly the
> number of requests.
> but on the ceph cluster messages  do not match total produce requests per
> second.
> and the only thing I can find is that the Producer purgatory in ceph kafka
> cluster has more request queued up than the local disk.
> Also RemoteTime-ms for producers is high, which could explain why there
> are more requests on the purgatory.
> To me , I think this means that the Producer is waiting to hear from all
> the acks. which are set to all. But I don't understand why the local disk
> Kafka cluster purgatory queue is way lower.
> since I don't think disk is used for this? could be network saturation
> since ceph  is network storage is interfering with the  producer waiting
> for acks? is there a way to tune the producer purgatory? I did change
> num.replica.fetchers but that only lowered the fetch purgatory.

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