Hey Luke, thanks for your reply. We run: - Brokers: 3.3.1 - Java Clients: - Confluent "7.3.1-ccs" - Kafka official "3.3.2"
We are running on AWS MSK, and using some minimal configuration: ``` # Security "allow.everyone.if.no.acl.found" = false "auto.create.topics.enable" = false # Guardrails "default.replication.factor" = 3 "min.insync.replicas" = 2 # Cluster Optimizations "unclean.leader.election.enable" = false "group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms" = 3000 "leader.imbalance.per.broker.percentage" = 10 # Offset Availability "offsets.topic.replication.factor" = 3 # Transaction Availability "transaction.state.log.replication.factor" = 3 "transaction.state.log.min.isr" = 1 # Storage Optimization "compression.type" = "zstd" ``` I tried disabling zstd, but ProduceMessageConversionsPerSec remained at the same level. Client configuration is also default, so nothing about message compression or version. Thanks PS: Sorry for the delay, for some reason I did not get the reply to my emial. On 2023/02/08 10:46:19 Luke Chen wrote: > Hi Gonzalo, > > For the produce request record version, you should refer to this file: > https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/clients/src/main/resources/common/message/ProduceRequest.json#L35 > > But you're right, basically the message conversion happened in a very old > produce request version (ex: version 1 or version 2, which I guess is > corresponding to Kafka v1.0 or older) sent to a new versioned broker, like > this comment said in the file above: > > // Version 3 adds the transactional ID, which is used for authorization > when attempting to write > // transactional data. *Version 3 also adds support for Kafka Message > Format v2.* > > Could you let us know which kafka version you're using in broker? > And which client and version you're using? > And the broker configuration and client configuration is also helpful. > > Thank you > Luke > > > On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 11:12 PM Gonzalo Martin Peci <pe...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > > Hi! We have been trying to figure out why we see a high value of > > ProduceMessageConversionsPerSec and potentially high CPU usage. I was > > trying to understand what version our producers/consumers were using, but I > > was unable to grok this. Any help would be appreciated. > > > > We are seeing values of `version=8` and `version=9` for RequestsPerSec > > "request=produce", and we found: > > > > https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/server-common/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/server/common/MetadataVersion.java#L163-L171 > > which indicate version 3.4 and 3.5. > > > > Im following what is described in KIP-272. Although I later found KIP-511 > > which seems to expose a new metric, KIP-896 also implies that versions are > > checked through the RequestsPerSec metric. > > > > Any guidance will be appreciated. > > > > References: > > - > > > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-272%3A+Add+API+version+tag+to+broker%27s+RequestsPerSec+metric > > - > > > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-511%3A+Collect+and+Expose+Client%27s+Name+and+Version+in+the+Brokers > > - > > > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-896%3A+Remove+old+client+protocol+API+versions+in+Kafka+4.0 > > > > Thanks > > Gonzalo > > >