Dear Kafka Community,

I'm hoping you can help with kafka topic partition that is missing a
leader. The topic in question is the '__consumer_offsets' topic

The output of a '--describe' on that topic looks like:

Topic: __consumer_offsets   Partition: 7   Leader: none Replicas 5    Isr: 5
Topic: __consumer_offsets   Partition: 11  Leader: none Replicas 5    Isr: 5

The other 48 partitions are all ok and have an assigned leader (some with 5
as the leader).

I have tried running a --reassignment-json-file against the topic .e.g --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
--reassignment-json-file /<reassignmentfilename>.json  --execute

but the reassignment just hangs, with the two partitions that are missing a
leader reporting:
'Reassignment of partition __consumer_offsets-7 is still in progress'

I've since had to --cancel that reassignment

Can anyone advise on how I can overcome the issue of this missing leader

My eventual goal is to reassign this __consumer_offsets topic with a
replication factor of 3 to increase resiliency now that the cluster is in
production. I realise we should have set the
offets.topic.replication.factor to a value higher than 1 before we spun up
the prod cluster but this was missed so we're now looking to manually
reassign the __consumer_offsets with a higher replication factor.

Any advice on how to overcome this 'Leader: none' issue would be greatly

Many thanks,


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