
My SpringBoot stream application works fine in a fresh start of the
clustered environment.
But when I restart one of the pods out of two pods, I start getting the
below exception from "KafkaStreams.store". I debugged the state but found
it was RUNNING.

*org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.InvalidStateStoreException: The state
store, wkstore, may have migrated to another instance.    *

To fix this, I must restart all the pods/instances or the cluster.

*Steps to reproduce*

1. Kafka Stream application environment
'kafka-streams', version: '3.0.1'
'kafka-clients', version: '3.0.1'
2. Create a cluster environment with at least two replication factors of
the Kafka Stream application.
3. Restart one of the pods.
4. Call KafkaStreams:store(), it starts throwing an exception. If not then
try at least 5 times to restart the same pod.

Priority: *Blocker*


Nawal Sah

(M): +91-9717932863

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