Hello Kafka users, developers and client-developers, This is the second candidate for release of Apache Kafka 3.3.2.
This is a bugfix release with several fixes since the release of 3.3.1. A few of the major issues include: * KAFKA-14358 Users should not be able to create a regular topic name __cluster_metadata KAFKA-14379 Consumer should refresh preferred read replica on update metadata * KAFKA-13586 Prevent exception thrown during connector update from crashing distributed herder Release notes for the 3.3.2 release: https://home.apache.org/~cegerton/kafka-3.3.2-rc1/RELEASE_NOTES.html *** Please download, test and vote by Friday, January 6, 2023, 10pm UTC (this date is chosen to accommodate the various upcoming holidays that members of the community will be taking and give everyone enough time to test out the release candidate, without unduly delaying the release) Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release: https://kafka.apache.org/KEYS * Release artifacts to be voted upon (source and binary): https://home.apache.org/~cegerton/kafka-3.3.2-rc1/ * Maven artifacts to be voted upon: https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/kafka/ * Javadoc: https://home.apache.org/~cegerton/kafka-3.3.2-rc1/javadoc/ * Tag to be voted upon (off 3.3 branch) is the 3.3.2 tag: https://github.com/apache/kafka/releases/tag/3.3.2-rc1 * Documentation: https://kafka.apache.org/33/documentation.html * Protocol: https://kafka.apache.org/33/protocol.html The most recent build has had test failures. These all appear to be due to flakiness, but it would be nice if someone more familiar with the failed tests could confirm this. I may update this thread with passing build links if I can get one, or start a new release vote thread if test failures must be addressed beyond re-running builds until they pass. Unit/integration tests: https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Kafka/job/kafka/job/3.3/142/testReport/ José, would it be possible to re-run the system tests for 3.3 on the latest commit for 3.3 (e3212f2), and share the results on this thread? Cheers, Chris