Hi Atul

There is a known bug which has similar symptoms that you observed. See:
The bug manifests when you use a client < 2.8.0 with `--zookeeper` flag. It
could be avoided by either upgrading the client or by using
`--bootstrap-server` instead of `--zookeeper`.

Does the above explanation match your Kafka setup?

Divij Vaidya

On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 1:16 PM Atul Kumar (atkumar3)
<atul.ku...@appdynamics.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We are using Kafka 2.8.1, and recently while rolling restart of one of our
> clusters, we encountered the following issue on the Kafka cluster
> topic Id in memory: <> does not match the topic Id for partition <>
> provided in the request: <>.
> All the produce requests to the impacted topic were failing. We were able
> to fix the issue by deleting partition.metadata from each broker for the
> impacted topic and doing a rolling restart of the Kafka cluster. We are
> using the Kafka stream application.
> The same issue was reported in Jira:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-12835  and is marked fixed
> with version 2.8.1 but we can still see this issue.
> Any help would be highly appreciated on any fix for this issue.
> Thanks,
> Atul Kumar
> Regards,​
> Atul

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