Hello All, I have few queries regarding Kafka support for TLSv1.3 as below:
1. Which Kafka version and above support TLSv1.3 * In latest Kafka release notes, I see that TLSv1.3 has been introduced in Kafka 2.6.0 and above. Reference<https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#configuration:~:text=TLSv1.3%20has%20been%20enabled%20by%20default%20for%20Java%2011%20or%20newer>. Can you please confirm. 1. Does Kafka running over Java 8 support TLSv1.3 * Java 8u261 and above support TLSv1.3. Release Notes Reference<https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/8u261-relnotes.html>. If we run Kafka client and Kafka broker on systems having Java 8u261 and above, then shall Kafka support TLSv1.3? Regards Deepak Nangia