I like the author Kafka and I was so impressed someone had written code or
whatever I don’t know because I’m not from this country and I don’t know
stuff about science and all but it was really cool and even the logo and
font and then I started to watch your video and the idea was sooooooooo
creative and interesting and sounded so useful and I thought aw how cute
some like little start up thing and then I went to see who uses it and I
saw Salesforce and I’m in customer service and I love Salesforce soooo much
and I’m sooo happy with it it makes things so much more convenient and then
for me to realize I was like one degree of separation away from and not
even that because I’m literally using Kafka atm at work in a way that’s
insane but I felt so honoured and happy and then I saw 80% of the biggest
whatever’s we’re using it and man I was so emotional that someone was
keeping kafkas name alive and had kept him remembered and he was just this
cute sad little bug person and you guys just made him rule everywhere in
the most random industry and you made everyone remember that he mattered
that’s so sweet and you did it so beautifully and meticulously and it’s
soooo satisfying even just to see the website and fonts and colours and
everything let alone the ideas and it’s all so perfect to Kafka too right
like I feel like ve would have liked the aesthetic were he alive today so
amazing honestly THANK YOU  👏🏽

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