Hi Peter,
I have made the changes i suggested:
Stopping Kafka
Deleting all files and folders in /Kafka/data
Changing the zookeeper setting to point to a different path in the
zookeeper cluster
Start Kafka
I see the usual files in /kafka/data/ meta.properties and the offset
files in all 6 disks.
I see all 4 brokers in zookeeper using the new path i specified in
When i try to create a topic now i receive: Replication factor: 3 larger
than available brokers: 0
I see no errors in server.log & controller.log.
Any advice would be great please as i've exhausted all my options.
Many Thanks,
On 2022-09-20 21:43, Chris Peart wrote:
Thanks Peter,
I'll give this a go tomorrow and let you know how I get on.
Many Thanks,
On 20 Sep 2022, at 9:32 pm, Peter Bukowinski <pmb...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Chris,
If the configs are correct and the permissions on all the
/data/X/kafka/data directories are correct, then kafka should use all
of the log dirs when creating topics. Remember that kafka will not
automatically move any existing topic data when the cluster configs
change. I'd test by creating a topic with more partitions than storage
If you'd rather start fresh, you have the steps correct. An alternative
to changing the zk path is to use zkCli to remove the paths. If you use
a zookeeper chroot, just delete everything from that chroot down from
zkCli, e.g. `rmr /[kafka-chroot]`
On Sep 20, 2022, at 11:56 AM, Chris Peart <ch...@peart.me.uk> wrote:
Thinking about this, as this is not in production it might be easier
just reset everything.
Would it be something like:
Stopping Kafka
Deleting all files and folders in /Kafka/data
Changing the zookeeper setting to point to a different path in the
zookeeper cluster
Start Kafka
Some help on resetting Kafka would be great if ok please.
Many Thanks
On 20 Sep 2022, at 3:37 pm, Chris Peart <ch...@peart.me.uk> wrote:
Hi Peter,
I have checked the logs on all 4 brokers and could only see
/data/1/data/kafka being used, log.dirs config in the logs showed all
the disks but no errors.
I managed to get the other 5 disks working by adding the path
/data/[2-6]/data/kafka and setting the owner as kafka and restarting
So now when i create topics i see disks 2-6 being used but not disk 1.
I have stopped all the brokers deleted all files /data/1/kafka/data on
all brokers and started them, but i still don't see disk 1 being used
when creating topics, it's as if there is some dirty configuration
somewhere, maybe in zookeeper?
Any help here would be much appreciated :)
Many Thanks,
On 2022-09-16 08:22, Chris Peart wrote:
Thanks Peter,
I'll check the logs next week and let you know my findings.
Many Thanks
On 16 Sep 2022, at 7:45 am, Peter Bukowinski <pmb...@gmail.com> wrote:
The next thing I'd check is the broker logs. The parameters read from
the config should appear in the logs when kafka starts up. Search the
logs for 'log.dirs' and ensure the correct configs are loaded.
On Sep 15, 2022, at 11:10 PM, Chris Peart <ch...@peart.me.uk> wrote:
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your response, we have the following configuration:
Partition count=4
Replication factor=3
All four brokers have topics-partitions in /data/1/kafka/data and are
receiving data.
Each server has 6 x 2TB disks for kaka data.
Many Thanks,
On 16 Sep 2022, at 1:56 am, Peter Bukowinski <pmb...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Chris,
Can you share the partition count and replication factor of your
partitions? Also, do all four brokers contain topic-partition
directories in /data/1/kafka/data or just a single broker? Depending on
your topic config, it may be entirely normal that his has happened.
Peter Bukowinski
On Sep 15, 2022, at 3:35 AM, Chris Peart <ch...@peart.me.uk> wrote:
Hi All,
I have a 4 node kafka cluster running version 2.8.1, we have started
pushing data to the cluster but can only see one disk being used.
We had 6 disk configured as non-raid and 1 partition per disk, we have
the following in fstab:
/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-data /data/1 xfs nodev,noatime,nofail
1 2
/dev/mapper/VolGroup02-data /data/2 xfs nodev,noatime,nofail 1
/dev/mapper/VolGroup03-data /data/3 xfs nodev,noatime,nofail
1 2
/dev/mapper/VolGroup04-data /data/4 xfs nodev,noatime,nofail
1 2
/dev/mapper/VolGroup05-data /data/5 xfs nodev,noatime,nofail
1 2
/dev/mapper/VolGroup06-data /data/6 xfs nodev,noatime,nofail
1 2
We configured server.properties to be:
i can see all our topics in /data/1/kafka/data but don't see anything
in /data/2-5
Any help would be appreciated as this is going to production next week?
Many Thanks,