Hello Kafka users, developers and client-developers,

This is the second release candidate for Apache Kafka 3.3.0. Many new
features and bug fixes are included in this major release of Kafka. A
significant number of the issues in this release are related to KRaft,
which will be considered "production ready" as part of this release

KRaft improvements:
* KIP-778: Online KRaft to KRaft Upgrades
* KIP-833: Mark KRaft as Production Ready
* KIP-835: Monitor Quorum health (many new KRaft metrics)
* KIP-836: Expose voter lag via kafka-metadata-quorum.sh
* KIP-841: Fenced replicas should not be allowed to join the ISR in KRaft
* KIP-859: Add Metadata Log Processing Error Related Metrics

Other major improvements include:
* KIP-618: Exactly-Once Support for Source Connectors
* KIP-831: Add metric for log recovery progress
* KIP-827: Expose logdirs total and usable space via Kafka API
* KIP-834: Add ability to Pause / Resume KafkaStreams Topologies

The full release notes are available here:

Please download, test and vote by Monday, Sep 26 at 5pm EDT

Also, huge thanks to José for running the release so far. He has done
the vast majority of the work to prepare this rather large release :)


Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:

* Release artifacts to be voted upon (source and binary):

* Maven artifacts to be voted upon:

* Javadoc: https://home.apache.org/~davidarthur/kafka-3.3.0-rc2/javadoc/

* Tag to be voted upon (off 3.3 branch) is the 3.3.0 tag:

* Documentation:  https://kafka.apache.org/33/documentation.html

* Protocol: https://kafka.apache.org/33/protocol.html

Successful Jenkins builds to follow in a future update to this email.

David Arthur

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