
I have configured mTLS on a three server Kafka cluster.  The servers and
clients are all communicating properly, except I am having trouble with
client hostname validation when the client is using a cert from a different
host.  I would expect this to fail on handshake like it does when the certs
are expired, but I have found that clients can use any cert signed by the
trusted CA regardless of whether the cert matches their hostname/IP.  The
certs are generated from an intermediate CA in Vault, and the server and
client settings are configured via PEM properties.  The intermediate CA
cert is the only cert in ssl.truststore.certificates.

Example server config (ssl settings only):
#Default is HTTPS, but try explicitly setting it
ssl.keystore.key=-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\n<server private key
info>\n...-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----
ssl.keystore.certificate.chain=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n<server
cert>\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN
CERTIFICATE-----\n<int ca info>\n...n-----END CERTIFICATE-----
CERTIFICATE-----\n<int ca info>\n...n-----END CERTIFICATE-----

Example client config (ssl settings only):
#Default is HTTPS, but try explicitly setting it
ssl.keystore.key=-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\n<client-1 private
key info>\n...-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----
ssl.keystore.certificate.chain=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n<client-1
cert>\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN
CERTIFICATE-----\n<int ca info>\n...n-----END CERTIFICATE-----
CERTIFICATE-----\n<int ca info>\n...n-----END CERTIFICATE-----

I have two properties files with certs for client-1.b.net and client-2.b.net
(producer.properties.client1 and producer.properties.client2 respectively).
On client-1.b.net, I can use either of those properties files and
successfully connect and send data to the cluster using
./kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server server-a.b.net:9092 --topic
foo --producer.config producer.properties.client2

I have extracted the \n concatenated string out to a file, and verified
that the CN and SAN include only the FQDN and IP of client-2.b.net.

Am I missing a configuration setting somewhere, or is this broken?

Thanks in advance,

Jim Ziesig

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