Hi, I have two kafka clusters. one is active and other is standby. There is mirrormaker 2 which replicates the topics from active to standby cluster. mirrormaker configuration I am using is as below:
clusters = active, standby active.bootstrap.servers = localhost:9092 standby.bootstrap.servers = localhost:9094 active->standby.enabled = true active->standby.topics = .* However I want to exclude some of the Kafka streams topics from the replication. To achieve this I have added below configuration to exclude topic testb and topics ending with changelog: topics.exclude = .*[\-\.]internal, .*\.replica, __.*, testb, .*changelog In mirror-maker logs I can see that this configuration is correctly picked by MirrorSourceConnector|worker but it still replicates the topics to the standby cluster. As per kafka documentation https://kafka.apache.org/31/documentation.html#georeplication-flow-configure the topics mentioned in this configuration shall be excluded. Is there anything that I am doing wrong? Regards, Anand Parmar ________________________________ The information contained in this message is intended only for the recipient, and may be a confidential attorney-client communication or may otherwise be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, please be aware that any dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. S&P Global Inc. reserves the right, subject to applicable local law, to monitor, review and process the content of any electronic message or information sent to or from S&P Global Inc. e-mail addresses without informing the sender or recipient of the message. By sending electronic message or information to S&P Global Inc. e-mail addresses you, as the sender, are consenting to S&P Global Inc. processing any of your personal data therein.