Hi everyone,

I installed and ran Mirror Maker 2 to replicate all possible data from
Active cluster to Standby one. It's replicating topics, consumer groups,
topic READ ACLs fine, but it is not replicating WRITE ACLs for topics and
consumer group ACLs (where resourceType=GROUP) at all, for example:

Current ACLs for resource `ResourcePattern(resourceType=GROUP,
name=EquityITIntegration, patternType=LITERAL)`:

        (principal=User:EquityITIntegrationSubscriber, host=*,
operation=READ, permissionType=ALLOW)

Could you please advise why and how to fix that if possible ?

Here are MM2 settings we use:

# specify any number of cluster aliases

clusters = A, B

# connection information for each cluster

# This is a comma separated host:port pairs for each cluster

# for e.g. "A_host1:9092, A_host2:9092, A_host3:9092"

A.bootstrap.servers = s02ap432u:9095, s02ap433u:9095

B.bootstrap.servers = s01ap437u:9100

# enable and configure individual replication flows

A->B.enabled = true

B->A.enabled = false

# regex which defines which topics gets replicated. For eg "foo-.*"

A->B.topics = .*

topics.exclude = kminion-end-to-end, topic.test1

refresh.topics.enabled = true

refresh.topics.interval.seconds = 60

groups = .*

sync.group.offsets.enabled = true

sync.topic.acls.enabled = true

# Setting replication factor of newly created remote topics


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