Hi Luke,

I could not get the consumer group to be inactive even when stopping all the consumers in the group.

Due this this being a production system i was unable to play to much with the kafka-consumer-groups --reset-offsets --shift-by command, so i had to run the following command:

kafka-run-class kafka.tools.UpdateOffsetsInZK latest (properties file containing kafka brokers) topicname

After doing this i consumed the missing offsets to file and the used kafka-producer to read from the file to the affected topic.

Hope this makes sense, i know there are better probably ways to do this but needed a quick and dirty fix :)



On 2022-08-29 07:16, Luke Chen wrote:

Hi Chris,

Great to hear you found a way to work around it now.
Could you share your solution here in case other people got stuck on the
same issue?

Thank you

On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 11:57 PM Chris Peart <ch...@peart.me.uk> wrote:

Thanks Luke,
The problem I was having was that the consumer group was not inactive even
with all the consumers stopped.
Managed to work around this now.

Many Thanks

On 25 Aug 2022, at 10:12 am, Luke Chen <show...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Chris,

is there a way to force the offset forward by an increment of 1 just for this topic?
kafka-consumer-groups.sh script has an option `--shift-by` to shift

offset by 'n'.
I think this is what you are looking for.

Thank you

On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 4:25 PM Chris Peart <ch...@peart.me.uk> wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to reset a kafka offset for a topic in a consumer group, i
have stopped all the consumers using the consumer group but i'm still
receiving the message that the current state is stable.

Is there a way to put the consumer group to an inactive state after
stopping all the consumers or is there a way to force the offset forward
by an increment of 1 just for this topic?

Many Thanks,


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