Hi Raj,
I think for your proble Rabbitmq RPC usecase is more suitable.
By the way its not recommended to make such tight couple between 2 services
if it's possible.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2022, 12:06 PM Richard Bosch <richard.bo...@axual.com>

> Hi Raj,
> The Kafka design is based on fully decoupled producers and consumers, where
> the responsibility of the producer ends after a record has been
> successfully produced.
> Since a producer is not aware of other applications that might be consuming
> the record it can continue with its own flow.
> The same is true for a consumer, they are usually not aware which
> application is producing a record. only where to read a record and how to
> deserialize and interpret the record.
> This allows for new applications to be added as producers or consumers of
> the data.
> This is one of the reasons why Kafka does not contain a builtin feature to
> send an acknowledgement to the producer when the record has been consumed.
> It has only built-in support to acknowledge delivery of a record to the
> partition, which is controlled by the acks setting in a producer.
> If the design requires an acknowledgement that the record is picked up by a
> consumer then the easiest way I can think of is to create a separate topic
> where the producer will be listening for acknowledgement.
> The flow would look something like this for the producing application
> 1. The producer gets a message to send to a topic.
> 2. The producer creates a record with a unique message id in the Kafka
> Header
> 3. The producer part sends the record to the topic, and adds the message id
> to a list of messages waiting for acknowledgement
> 4. The consumer part of the application polls for new records on the
> acknowledgement topic
> 5. The message id is cleared for from the waiting list, and additional
> actions can be taken according to the needs of your application
> The flow of the consuming application would look like this
> 1. The consumer polls for records on a specific topic.
> 2. When a record is received and correctly deserialized the message id is
> extracted
> 3. The message id is produced to the acknowledgement topic
> 4. The record is processed by the consuming application
> As you can see you're basically recreating a classical queueing mechanism
> with a feedback channel, requiring producing and consuming applications to
> include a lot of additional logic.
> Often you can solve this by redesigning the solution to make sure that the
> producer responsibilities end after getting the acknowledgement from the
> broker that the record was produced.
> The data is now available to any consumers, but it is up to the consumers
> responsibility to keep up with the records on the topic.
> This will take of course some time, and your stakeholders and fellow
> developers might need to be convinced of this new way of working.
> My apologies for the long explanation, but I hope you can find some use for
> this.
> Kind regards,
> Richard Bosch
> Developer Advocate
> Axual BV
> https://axual.com/
> On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 4:09 PM selva raj selvaraj <selva_...@tecnics.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Team!
> >
> >     I developed a simple kafka producer & consumer module. Just I want to
> > acknowledge whether the message is delivered or not. I couldn't find any
> > document, reference or sample code. Could you please guide me on this?
> >
> >
> > *Development Language : *Python
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Raj
> >

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