Dear Hadoop Community,

CFP for DataMass Gdańsk Summit
been extended! You can join the event and share your experience by
submitting the presentation proposal till the 15th July 2022.

What is the DataMass Summit?

The Data Mass Gdańsk Summit is aimed at people who use the cloud in their
daily work to solve Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning and AI problems.
The main idea of the conference is to promote knowledge and experience in
designing and implementing tools for solving difficult and interesting

Key topics


   Data engineering in the cloud – how to ingest, store, transform your
   data in an efficient way.

   Real time streaming – when you need to make decisions without delay.

   Data intensive applications – patterns and templates for architectures
   that can handle hundreds of TB and PB of data.

   Machine learning and AI – best tools for the job in the cloud.

   Distributed analytical systems in the cloud - when architecture is

We expect all those topics (use cases) to be entirely cloud-based.

Why is the program worth applying for?


   You will perform in front of an exceptional audience - Data enthusiasts
   from Poland and around the world!

   You will find yourself in a group of outstanding experts - practitioners
   from top data-driven companies!

   You will exchange experiences and enrich your knowledge on Big Data,
   DataScience, Machine Learning and AI, all in the context of cloud

   The Data Mass Gdańsk Summit conference is an inclusive platform for the
   exchange of knowledge as well as a place to establish professional

The conference is scheduled for Friday September 30th, 2022, so you can
stay for the weekend to enjoy the city and the Baltic Sea :)

Don't miss a chance, submit the proposal* here


Z pozdrowieniami! / Cheers!

[image: Getindata]
Klaudia Wachnio

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