Hi An,
Try setting consumer.auto.offset.reset=earliest 
This will mean if the consumers in the MM2 tasks don’t have an offset for a 
topic partition they will start at the beginning.
If you’ve already enabled the below you might have to use a new group.id so 
that the consumers no longer have an offset that is valid. Since when you 
stated MM2 with below config it will now have an offset stored in the offset 
storage topic for each topic partition being consumed and therefore the 
auto.offset.reset config won’t be applied.

Sent from the all-new AOL app for iOS

On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 12:19 am, An, Hongguo (CORP) 
<hongguo...@adp.com.INVALID> wrote:

I am trying to use MM2  ( 3.3.0) to migration Kafka to a new server, but looks 
like it only copys new data, any existing data is not copied.

Here is the connection properties:






topics= .*

groups= .*

topic.blacklist= .*[\~\.]internal, .*\.replica, __.*, 
heartbeats,nas\.vantage.*,INTEGRATION.*, ADPRM\..*, ADP_LIFION_INTEGRATION\..*, 
AES\..*, BENEFITS\..*, DMX\..*, NASBILLING\..*, TAAS\..*

groups.blacklist= console-consumer-.*, connect-.*, __.*

tasks.max= 10

#emit.checkpoints.enabled= true

#sync.group.offsets.enabled= true

#offset.lag.max= 9223372036854775807

replication.factor= 3

checkpoints.topic.replication.factor= 3

heartbeats.topic.replication.factor= 3

offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor= 3

offset.storage.replication.factor= 3

status.storage.replication.factor= 3

config.storage.replication.factor= 3

transaction.state.log.replication.factor= 3

Thanks in advance for any help

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