To whom it may concern, I have a very different problem when using Kafka, and hope someone can help me!
Background I need to consume several different topics in my java project. For each topic, they has different configurations, such as max.pull.records, but the same consumer group. Also, there are different business logic for each topic. How did I do I have created different KafkaConsumer instances with different topics. Because I can setup the configurations only when creating the KafkaConsumer instance. Problem Some topic partitions cannot be consumed. This is really a mazing phenomenon! I found that the will be changed when I redeployed and restarted the project. All of KafkaConsumer share with the global static variable CONSUMER_CLIENT_ID_SEQUENCE in ConsumerConfig if I didn’t set . Is it the best practice to configure the different for each KafkaConsumer instance? Or who can tell me how to solve my issue? Looking forward to your reply! Thanks, Pin