I found the quick start https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart example very 
helpful. It made it really easy to understand how download, start up, create 
topic, push some data through the Kafka. I did not find 
https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart#quickstart_kafkaconnect useful.

I am looking for something very simple to  learning how to configure and use 
connectors using Apache Kafka distribution, not Confluent. I can run on my mac 
or Linux server. Being a newbie I want to keep things super simple. I do not 
want to have to debug firewalls, ACL, …

I do not have a data base, access to twitter, …

I thought maybe something some sort source/sink using the local file system?

Any suggestions?

Kind regards


p.s. I have read a lot of documentation most of it is very high level. Can 
anyone recommend a “hand on” tutorial?

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