HI Liam,

I was trying to see what the goals of enabling Hpa on the consumer would
be. Since like you say there is a partition upper limit which will limit
the consumer throughput. so in the end you have to tweak partitions on
kafka and then reassess the maxReplicas config of hpa.
It seems hpa in this scenario would help more around costs than operations
around the app.

Maybe there is a way to build your own algorithm to figure out max/min
replicas and other fanciness depending on partitions (via an operator) etc.

But I wonder if you would still end up in the same boat, plus does it make
sense to over engineer this when in the end you might have to add
partitions manually? That is why I like HPA, since it's "simple" and you
can easily understand the behaviour.
The behaviour of this app like you say is seasonal. so it has peaks and
troughs everyday so there are some benefits to running Hpa there.

About consumer group rebalances, yeah I get what you mean. I did tweak some
scale up/down policies to make it smoother. The app seems fine but I might
enable cooperative-sticky just to see if that helps a bit more. but so far
I am not seeing a negative impact on the app.

this is what i am using on hpa so far, nothing complex:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: app-staging-test
  minReplicas: 56
  maxReplicas: 224
      stabilizationWindowSeconds: 60
      - type: Percent
        value: 100
        periodSeconds: 60
    - resource:
        name: cpu
          averageUtilization: 30
          type: Utilization
      type: Resource


On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 12:15 AM Liam Clarke-Hutchinson <lclar...@redhat.com>

> Hi David,
> Scaling on CPU can be fine, what you scale on depends on what resource
> constrains your consuming application. CPU is a good proxy for "I'm working
> really hard", so not a bad one to start with.
> Main thing to be aware of is tuning the HPA to minimise scaling that causes
> "stop-the-world" consumer group rebalances, the documentation I linked
> earlier offers good advice. But you'll need to determine what is the best
> way to configure your HPA based on your particular workloads - in other
> words, a lot of trial and error. :)
> In terms of "everything is tied to partition number", there is an obvious
> upper limit when scaling consumers in a consumer group - if you have 20
> partitions on a topic, a consumer group consuming from that topic will only
> increase throughput when scaling up to 20 instances. If you have 30
> instances, 10 instances won't be assigned partitions unless some of the
> other instances fail.
> However, the real advantage of an HPA is in reducing cost / load,
> especially in a cloud environment - if the throughput on a given topic is
> low, and one consumer can easily handle all 20 partitions, then you're
> wasting money running 19 other instances. But if throughput suddenly
> increases, the HPA will let your consumer instances scale up automatically,
> and then scal down when the throughput drops again.
> It really depends on how throughput on your topic varies - if you're
> working in a domain where throughtput shows high seasonality over the day
> (e.g., at 4am in the morning, no-one is using your website, at 8pm,
> everyone is using it) then an HPA approach is ideal. But, as I said, you'll
> need to tune how your HPA scales to prevent repeated scaling up and down
> that interferes with the consumer group over all.
> If you have any more details on what problem you're trying to solve, I
> might be able to give more specific advice.
> TL;DR - I've found using HPAs to scale applications in the same consumer
> group is very useful, but it needs to be tuned to minimise scaling that can
> cause pauses in consumption.
> Kind regards,
> Liam Clarke-Hutchinson
> On Wed, 2 Mar 2022 at 13:14, David Ballano Fernandez <
> dfernan...@demonware.net> wrote:
> > Thanks Liam,
> >
> > I am trying hpa but using cpu utilization, but since everything is tied
> to
> > partition number etc i wonder what the benefits of running on hpa really
> > are.
> >
> > thanks!
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 12:59 PM Liam Clarke-Hutchinson <
> > lclar...@redhat.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I've used HPAs scaling on lag before by feeding lag metrics from
> > Prometheus
> > > into the K8s metrics server as custom metrics.
> > >
> > > That said, you need to carefully control scaling frequency to avoid
> > > excessive consumer group rebalances. The cooperative sticky assignor
> can
> > > minimise pauses, but not remove them entirely.
> > >
> > > There's a lot of knobs you can use to tune HPAs these days:
> > >
> > >
> >
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kubernetes.io_docs_tasks_run-2Dapplication_horizontal-2Dpod-2Dautoscale_-23configurable-2Dscaling-2Dbehavior&d=DwIBaQ&c=qE8EibqjfXM-zBfebVhd4gtjNZbrDcrKYXvb1gt38s4&r=p-f3AJg4e4Uk20g_16kSyBtabT4JOB-1GIb23_CxD58&m=dQzp4x9JZe-7YZcgrSl3YrB3X7PYTM_bS4caOQ59hLLonNXE0x3TveYTXVAFcxco&s=_NU3o8FG8CwNpe8wl3mVxXkNeEx_9aCD2_md1riEZa0&e=
> > >
> > > Good luck :)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, 1 Mar 2022 at 08:49, David Ballano Fernandez <
> > > dfernan...@demonware.net> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello Guys,
> > > >
> > > > I was wondering how you guys do autoscaling of you consumers in
> > > kubernetes
> > > > if you do any.
> > > >
> > > > We have a mirrormaker-like app that mirrors data from cluster to
> > cluster
> > > at
> > > > the same time does some topic routing.  I would like to add hpa to
> the
> > > app
> > > > in order to scale up/down depending on avg cpu. but as you know  a
> > > consumer
> > > > app has lots of variables being partitions of topics being consumed
> a
> > > > pretty important one.
> > > >
> > > > Since kubernetes checks cpu avg, there are chances that
> pods/consumers
> > > > won't be scaled up to the  number of partitions possibly creating
> some
> > > hot
> > > > spots.
> > > >
> > > > Anyways i would like to know how you deal if you do at all with this.
> > > >
> > > > thanks!
> > > >
> > >
> >

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