Congrats, Luke!

On Wed, Feb 9, 2022, at 3:22 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> The PMC for Apache Kafka has invited Luke Chen (showuon) as a committer and
> we are pleased to announce that he has accepted!
> Luke has been actively contributing to Kafka since early 2020. He has
> made more than 120 commits on various components of Kafka, with notable
> contributions to the rebalance protocol in Consumer and Streams (KIP-766,
> KIP-726, KIP-591, KAFKA-12675 and KAFKA12464, to just name a few), as well
> as making an impact on improving test stability of the project. Aside from
> all his code contributions, Luke has been a great participant in
> discussions across the board, a very active and helpful reviewer of other
> contributors' works, all of which are super valuable and highly appreciated
> by the community.
> Thanks for all of your contributions Luke. Congratulations!
> -- Guozhang, on behalf of the Apache Kafka PMC

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