Hello, I'm having multiple errors in our kafka cluster server.log regarding a single topic and a subset of its partitions.
ERROR [ReplicaManager broker=1] Error processing append operation on partition declaration.amount-to-c50builder-30 (kafka.server.ReplicaManager) org.apache.kafka.common.errors.OutOfOrderSequenceException: Invalid sequence number for new epoch: 16244 (request epoch), 2 (seq. number) Doesn't seem to impact the replication mecanism as all replicas are shown to be in sync, but there are tons of occurence of this error in the logs. I wonder why it's happening, and why it's only for this perculiar topic ? -- [image: img] <https://www.chronopost.fr/fr?xtatc=INT-149> *Nicolas Carlot* *Lead dev*Direction des Systèmes d'Information 3 boulevard Romain Rolland 75014 Paris [image: img] <https://mailsign.chronopost.fr/linkc/K0ppSHlnPT0-L3A4PQ> [image: img] <https://mailsign.chronopost.fr/linkc/K0ppSHlnPT0-L1pzPQ> [image: img] <https://mailsign.chronopost.fr/linkc/K0ppSHlnPT0-L1pRPQ> [image: img] <https://mailsign.chronopost.fr/linkc/K0ppSHlnPT0-L1pVPQ> [image: img]