Hello, I have noticed a problem which I have also discussed with RedHat (https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DBZ-4521): Prerequisites:
* Debezium connector with heartbeat configuration ( "heartbeat.topics.prefix" is set) * Heartbeat topic on Kafka side does NOT exists * Parameter auto.create.topics is disabled (=false) Execution: * Connector was created * Connector starts the heartbeat * Connector logs the following entry: [WARN] 2022-01-06 13:25:30,094 [kafka-producer-network-thread | connector-producer-itgermany.pmops.dispoapp.gateway.DE-350.debeziumconnector-0] org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient handleSuccessfulResponse - [Producer clientId=connector-producer-itgermany.pmops.dispoapp.gateway.DE-350.debeziumconnector-0] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 38409 : {itgermany.pmops.dispoapp.gateway.heartbeat.GatewayDepot35=UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION} * Connector status remains 'RUNNING' * NO Data comes to Kafka via the Connector Troubleshooting: * Re-creating the connector caused data to be sent to Kafka for a short time (until the heartbeat was repeated). People from RedHat told me that they are just passing the topic name and the message to Kafka and they do not receive a correct response Kind Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen Andreas Gillmann Product Management Operations IT GLS Germany/International GLS IT Services GmbH GLS Germany-Straße 1-7 36286 Neuenstein Germany LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/gls-germany>[cid:image013.png@01D812BE.62B70F40] [cid:image014.png@01D812BE.62B70F40] Twitter<http://www.twitter.com/GLS_Germany> [cid:image015.png@01D812BE.62B70F40]Facebook<http://facebook.com/GLSGermany> [cid:image016.png@01D812BE.62B70F40]Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/glsgermany/> [cid:image017.jpg@01D812BE.62B70F40] t +49 (0) 66 77 17 437 m +49 (0) 172 1781 437 e andreas.gillm...@gls-itservices.com w www.gls-group.com<http://www.gls-group.com/> [cid:image018.jpg@01D812BE.62B70F40] ________________________________ GLS IT Services GmbH Sitz: Neuenstein, Amtsgericht Bad Hersfeld HRB 388, Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Pruin ________________________________