Hello Community,

Let's run the validations for this RC and submit our votes as soon as you

If you are interested in running the validations for the RC without having
to build the images I have pushed the following docker images already to
docker hub

   - izzyacademy/kafka-artifact-base:3.1.0-rc0
   - izzyacademy/kafka-docs:3.1.0-rc0
   - izzyacademy/kafka-binary-base:3.1.0-rc0
   - izzyacademy/zookeeper:3.1.0-rc0
   - izzyacademy/kafka-broker:3.1.0-rc0
   - izzyacademy/kafka-connect:3.1.0-rc0


If you have docker locally, you can simply just boot up the environment for
each validation with docker-compose up

# Single Node Cluster in KRaft Mode


# Multi-Node Cluster in KRaft Mode


# Multi-Node Cluster in Zookeeper Mode


# Site Documentation to review the website for documentation


# Hash, GPG Keys, Building from Source


Israel Ekpo
Lead Instructor, IzzyAcademy.com

On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 8:59 AM Israel Ekpo <israele...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have completed my validation of the release candidate
> The prior issue was a user error in my node configuration
> I used the steps here to validate the RC
> https://github.com/izzyacademy/apache-kafka-release-party
>    - Validation of Hashes looks good
>    - Validation of GPG Keys looks good
>    - Validation of Source Code was skipped since the build for the 3.1
>    branch already passed
>    - Validation of Site Documentation looks good for 3.1.0 and the other
>    versions
>    - Running Multi-Node Brokers in Legacy Mode (With Zookeeper) looks
>    good with no issues
>    - Running Brokers in KRaft Mode (without Zookeeper) looks good with no
>    observable issues
> +1 (non-binding)
> Israel Ekpo
> Lead Instructor, IzzyAcademy.com
> https://www.youtube.com/c/izzyacademy
> https://izzyacademy.com/
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 8:03 PM Israel Ekpo <israele...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have ran some initial validations using the steps here
>> https://github.com/izzyacademy/apache-kafka-release-party
>>    - Validation of Hashes looks good
>>    - Validation of GPG Keys looks good
>>    - Validation of Source Code was skipped since the build for the 3.1
>>    branch already passed
>>    - Validation of Site Documentation looks good for 3.1.0 and the other
>>    versions
>>    - Running Multi-Node Brokers in Legacy Mode (With Zookeeper) looks
>>    good with no issues
>>    - Running Brokers in KRaft Mode (without Zookeeper) had some issues
>>    with the node configurations and I am still debugging this to see if it is
>>    a user error on my end or issues with the release candidate.
>> It appears I may have ran into some issues from changes checked in for
>> KAFKA-13456 to restrict configuration of nodes in KRaft mode
>> I will spend some time on this and will report back next week.
>> Thanks David for running the release
>> Israel Ekpo
>> Lead Instructor, IzzyAcademy.com
>> https://www.youtube.com/c/izzyacademy
>> https://izzyacademy.com/
>> On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 5:18 PM David Jacot <da...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hello Kafka users, developers and client-developers,
>>> This is the first candidate for release of Apache Kafka 3.1.0.
>>> * Apache Kafka supports Java 17
>>> * The FetchRequest supports Topic IDs (KIP-516)
>>> * Extend SASL/OAUTHBEARER with support for OIDC (KIP-768)
>>> * Add broker count metrics (KIP-748)
>>> * Differentiate consistently metric latency measured in millis and
>>> nanos (KIP-773)
>>> * The eager rebalance protocol is deprecated (KAFKA-13439)
>>> * Add TaskId field to StreamsException (KIP-783)
>>> * Custom partitioners in foreign-key joins (KIP-775)
>>> * Fetch/findSessions queries with open endpoints for
>>> SessionStore/WindowStore (KIP-766)
>>> * Range queries with open endpoints (KIP-763)
>>> * Add total blocked time metric to Streams (KIP-761)
>>> * Add additional configuration to control MirrorMaker2 internal topics
>>> naming convention (KIP-690)
>>> Release notes for the 3.1.0 release:
>>> https://home.apache.org/~dajac/kafka-3.1.0-rc0/RELEASE_NOTES.html
>>> *** Please download, test and vote by Friday, January 7, 9am PT
>>> Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
>>> https://kafka.apache.org/KEYS
>>> * Release artifacts to be voted upon (source and binary):
>>> https://home.apache.org/~dajac/kafka-3.1.0-rc0/
>>> * Maven artifacts to be voted upon:
>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/kafka/
>>> * Javadoc:
>>> https://home.apache.org/~dajac/kafka-3.1.0-rc0/javadoc/
>>> * Tag to be voted upon (off 3.1 branch) is the 3.1.0 tag:
>>> https://github.com/apache/kafka/releases/tag/3.1.0-rc0
>>> * Documentation:
>>> https://kafka.apache.org/31/documentation.html
>>> * Protocol:
>>> https://kafka.apache.org/31/protocol.html
>>> * Successful Jenkins builds for the 3.1 branch:
>>> Unit/integration tests:
>>> https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Kafka/job/kafka/job/3.1/42/
>>> System tests:
>>> https://jenkins.confluent.io/job/system-test-kafka/job/3.1/44/
>>> /**************************************
>>> Thanks,
>>> David

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