Hi there, We have experienced issues on Topic Partition assignment and lead to duplicate process of event. What happened is that, somehow one listener (consumer) was taken out by the Broker (lost heartbeat??), and the assigned partition was taken over by another consumer in the same consumer group. However, the listener (consumer) kicked out is not really dead, it continues pulling and consuming the event and has no idea about the partition revocation.
*# Consumer Group State (Please note that app008 is kicked out)* [image: image.png] *# When we identified the issue and restarted the listener on app008, it shows partition 0 is removed (means, it still binds to partition 0)* 2021-12-09 22:05:23 INFO Shutting down listener on ****LoggingMetadataInfo 2021-12-09 22:05:23 INFO Partition removed from listener: partition: 0 2021-12-09 22:05:23 INFO ****LoggingMetadataInfo listener destroyed *Version: *2.6.1 *PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY:* RoundRobinAssignor Wondering if anyone has experienced a similar case? Any suggestions on how to mitigate such risk? Thanks! Tao