The idea behind a GlobalKTable is to materiliaze data (a kafka topic)
close from where it is used. Actually, each task/worker will materialize
the full GlobalKTable in order to use it. So in your scenario, what
should be shared between your services is ideally the Kafka topic used
to build the GlobalKTable.
Then, if you want your app2 to be independent from Kafka, and only
dependent on a RPC endpoint, you must develop your own endpoint
"serving" the GlobalKTable
On 02/11/2021 18:54, Sigalit Eliazov wrote:
we have 2 microservices:
responsible for consuming message and update a globalKtable with
configuration information (key=id, value=myObject)
once it is activated with some id as an input it should look into the
configuration globalKtable and retrieve data by that id
how is it possible to access that globalktable from app2. should a RPC
layer needs to added to retrieve the info or KStream has some other