Hi Chad, this talk around 24:00 clearly explains what you’re seeing 


> On 30 Oct 2021, at 04:02, Chad Preisler <chad.preis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a stream application that does a KStream to KTable left join. We
> seem to be occasionally missing joins (KTable side is null).
> I'm wondering if someone can point me to the Kafka streams internal code
> that reads records for the join? I've poked around the Kafka code base, but
> there is a lot there. I imagine there is some consumer poll for each side
> of the join, and possibly a background thread for reading the KTable topic.
> I figure there are several possible causes of this issue, and since nothing
> is really jumping out in my code, I was going to start looking at the Kafka
> code to see if there is something I can do to fix this.
> Thanks,
> Chad


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