oops, I think I found my answer in a few mails below:
and if i am not mistaken that is why my only consumer is only writing to
one partition out of 50.

Hi MichaƂ,
Internally, Kafka uses "*consumer group ID*" as the key to decide which
__consumer_offsets partition to be used.
The code is like this:

`Utils.abs(groupId.hashCode) % groupMetadataTopicPartitionCount`

You can check the `partitionFor` method in GroupMetadataManager class.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 3:29 PM David Ballano Fernandez <
dfernan...@demonware.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am running kafka 2.7 in the cluster and only has one consumer reading
> from it multiple topics.
> I just find out looking at the __consumer_offset topic that only one
> partition of that topic is being written to?
> Is that normal?
> thank you!

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