Hello all,

I have a question about the Group Membership lifecycle of Kafka Streams, or 
more specific about when Kafka Streams does leave the consumer group (in case 
of dynamic membership).

My expectation was, that a call to the method KafkaStreams.close() also sends a 
LeaveGroup request to the coordination (if dynamic membership is used). 
However, its seems that this is not the case (at least in my case the request 
was not send). Only if I explicitly call KafkaStreams.removeStreamThread() a 
LeaveGroup request is sent to the coordinator. I used the WordCount example 
located in https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-streams-examples to evaluate 

Is this how Kafka Streams is intended to work and if yes, what do you recommend 
to achieve that Kafka Streams leaves the group when shutting down the 
application? For example, one situation where I don't want to wait for the 
session timeout is when downscaling an application.


Best Regards,

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