I have 2 Kafka setup, A and B. A is a cluster with 3 instances running on the same machine, while B is a stand alone in another machine. I tried to use Mirror Maker to replicate from A to B. The config file is as follows:
----- clusters = A, BA.bootstrap.servers = host1:9091, host1:9092, host1:9093B.bootstrap.servers = host2:9092 A->B.enabled = trueB->A.enabled = false replication.factor = 1 checkpoints.topic.replication.factor=1heartbeats.topic replication.factor=1offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor=1 offset.storage.replication.factor=1status.storage.replication.factor=1config.storage.replication.factor=1--- I execute mirror maker as follows: bin/connect-mirror-maker.sh config/mirror.maker.properties But when I run the mirror maker on the ‘B’ side I can see that it keeps creating ‘heartbeats’ topic. So at some point I will end up having so many ‘A.heartbeats’ topics like below. And it will just keep growing until I kill the mirror maker. A.A.A.A.heartbeatsA.A.A.heartbeatsA.A.heartbeatsA.heartbeats Anyone know what’s the problem and how to fix this? Thanks. Kafka Version: 2.13-2.8