1. Use something like zk-1:2181:/kafka-root, zk-2:2181:/kafka-root,... 2. You may checkout the jmx monitoring stack using Prometheus and Grafana here <https://github.com/confluentinc/jmx-monitoring-stacks>.
[image: Confluent] <https://www.confluent.io> Wu Shilin Solution Architect +6581007012 Follow us: [image: Blog] <https://www.confluent.io/blog?utm_source=footer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ch.email-signature_type.community_content.blog>[image: Twitter] <https://twitter.com/ConfluentInc>[image: LinkedIn] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/confluent/>[image: Slack] <https://slackpass.io/confluentcommunity>[image: YouTube] <https://youtube.com/confluent> [image: Kafka Summit] <https://www.kafka-summit.org/> On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 12:32 PM 陈威 <1041579...@qq.com.invalid> wrote: > 1.When I started kafka, I saw that the root directory registered in > zookeeper is "/",but my zookeeper has other applications in use, so I want > to modify it as "/kafka01". How should I configure it or document it? > 2.Our machine scale is relatively large, so we need to monitor the changes > of kafka in real time to ensure high availability, but I don't see a web > monitoring platform similar to rabbitMQ. Does he have it? If not, is there > a better official recommendation? > > > Looking forward to your reply!